hometown sweet hometown

balik KAMPUNG KIAN TERASA...APE ITU maksud???esh..biler jerk Eid season..lagu was berkemandang in radio...hehehe..especialy lagu oww.balik kampung.mmg sweet...biler jer hear lagu nh.erm mood bertukar mcm power rangers...

.after on the way balik kampung..Waduh waduh!!! Semangat untuk balik kampung tercinta semakin berkobar-kobar ni. Tak sabar rasanya!!! walaupon x nak balik kampung sebab x best mcm umh...Wahai my LOvely granny tunggulah kepulangan anakmu and cucumu ini. INSYAALLAH, ada rezeki pasti kita berjumpa lagi. Uwek! Tak sabar ni tau! Cepatlah balik kampung oiii…hehehe. Korang tak balik kampung ke? Meh dengar lagu balik kampung dendangan Allahyarham Sudirman, pasti lagi seru deh! Hehehe…

LAGU ini saya type sendiri(i mean type sambil nyanyi that was no need to looking for lyric on internet lor..)saya memoris its own.chaiyonk!!!!

Perjalanan jauh tak ku rasa
Kerna hati ku melonjak sama
Ingin berjumpa sanak saudara
Yang selalu bermain di mata
Nun menghijau gunung ladang dan rimba
Langit nan tinggi bertambah birunya
Deru angin turut sama berlagu
Semuanya bagaikan turut gembira
Balik kampung oh oh…( 3X )
Hati girang
Ho ho… Balik kampung (3X)
Hati girang

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air liur??thats true??


Air liur basi berkhasiat cerna sistem tubuh manusia. Air liur basi yang diminum bersama air biasa ketika bangun awal pagi adalah penawar semula jadi paling mujarab dalam membentuk kesihatan seseorang insan.

Air liur basi yang dipandang jijik menyimpan khasiat khusus bagi mencerna sistem dalam tubuh manusia..

Keberkesanan air liur basi bagaimanapun hanya untuk keperluan tubuh badan individu itu sendiri dan bukan untuk dikongsi dengan orang lain. Cara amalannya pula hanya berkesan jika seseorang itu bangun dari tidur dengan terus meminum air putih biasa tanpa perlu mencuci muka, berkumur-kumur atau membersihkan badan.

Sistem rawatan tersebut telah menjadi amalan Rasulullah S.A..W dalam kehidupan harian baginda dan telah dikesan kemujarabannya oleh pakar sains perubatan moden

Nabi Muhammad semasa hayatnya akan meneguk air putih biasa terlebih dahulu sebelum
baginda bersugi dan berwuduk menunaikan solat subuh setiap pagi.

Wallahua'lam bisshawab
wassalam.... .......

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Menangisi Pemergian Ramadhan

Kita bakal meninggalkan bulan yg mulia seperti coretan di bawah

"Wahai manusia, sungguh telah datang pada kalian bulan Allah dengan membawa berkah 

rahmat dan maghfirah. Bulan yang paling mulia di sisi Allah. Hari-harinya adalah hari-hari 

yang paling utama. Malam-malamnya adalah malam-malam yang paling utama. Jam demi 

jamnya adalah jam-jam yang paling utama.

Inilah bulan ketika kamu diundang menjadi tetamu Allah dan dimuliakan oleh~Nya. Di bulan 

ini nafas-nafasmu menjadi tasbih, tidurmu ibadah, amal-amalmu diterima dan doa-doamu 

diijabah. Bermohonlah kepada Allah Rabbmu dengan niat yang tulus dan hati yang suci agar 

Allah membimbingmu untuk melakukan puasa dan membaca Kitab~Nya.

Celakalah orang yang tidak mendapat ampunan Allah di bulan yang agung ini. Kenanglah 

dengan rasa lapar dan hausmu, kelaparan dan kehausan di hari kiamat. Bersedekahlah 

kepada kaum fuqara dan masakin. Muliakanlah orang tuamu, sayangilah yang muda, 

sambungkanlah tali persaudaraanmu, jaga lidahmu, tahan pandanganmu dari apa yang tidak 

halal kamu memandangnya dan pendengaranmu dari apa yang tidak halal kamu 

mendengarnya. Kasihilah anak-anak yatim, nescaya dikasihi manusia anak-anak yatimmu.

Bertaubatlah kepada Allah dari dosa-dosamu. Angkatlah tangan-tanganmu untuk berdoa 

pada waktu solatmu kerana itulah saat-saat yang paling utama ketika Allah Azza wa Jalla 

memandang hamba-hamba~Nya dengan penuh kasih; Dia menjawab mereka ketika mereka 

menyeru~Nya, menyambut mereka ketika mereka memanggil~Nya dan mengabulkan doa 

mereka ketika mereka berdoa kepada~Nya.

Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya diri-dirimu tergadai kerana amal-amalmu, maka bebaskanlah 

dengan istighfar. Belakangmu berat kerana beban (dosa)-mu, maka ringankanlah dengan 

memperpanjangkan sujudmu.

Ketahuilah, Allah Ta’ala bersumpah dengan segala kebesaran~Nya bahawa Dia tidak akan 

mengazab orang-orang yang solat dan sujud, dan tidak akan mengancam mereka dengan 

neraka pada hari manusia berdiri di hadapan Rabbal-alamin.

Wahai manusia, barangsiapa di antaramu memberi berbuka kepada orang-orang mukmin 

yang berpuasa di bulan ini, maka di sisi Allah nilainya sama dengan membebaskan seorang 

hamba dan dia diberi ampunan atas dosa-dosa yang lalu.

(Seorang sahabat bertanya, "Ya Rasulullah, tidaklah kami semua mampu berbuat demikian." 

Rasulullah meneruskan khutbahnya:)

Jagalah dirimu dari api neraka walau pun hanya dengan sebiji kurma. Jagalah dirimu dari 

api neraka walau pun hanya dengan seteguk air.

Wahai manusia, siapa yang membaguskan akhlaknya di bulan ini, ia akan berhasil melalui 

Sirathal Mustaqim pada hari ketika kaki-kaki tergelincir. Siapa yang meringankan pekerjaan 

orang-orang yang dimiliki tangan kanannya (pegawai atau pembantu) di bulan ini, Allah 

akan meringankan pemeriksaan~Nya di hari kiamat. Barangsiapa menahan kejelekannya di 

bulan ini, Allah akan menahan murka~Nya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan~Nya.

Barangsiapa memuliakan anak yatim di bulan ini, Allah akan memuliakanya pada hari ia 

berjumpa dengan~Nya. Barangsiapa menyambungkan tali persaudaraan (silaturahmi) di 

bulan ini, Allah akan menghubungkan dia dengan rahmat~Nya pada hari ia berjumpa 

dengan~Nya. Barangsiapa memutuskan kekeluargaan di bulan ini, Allah akan memutuskan 

rahmat~Nya pada hari ia berjumpa dengan~Nya.

Barangsiapa melakukan solat sunat di bulan ini, Allah akan menuliskan baginya kebebasan 

dari api neraka. Barangsiapa melakukan solat fardu baginya ganjaran seperti melakukan 70 

solat fardu di bulan lain.

Barangsiapa memperbanyak shalawat kepadaku di bulan ini, Allah akan memberatkan 

timbangannya pada hari ketika timbangan meringan. Barangsiapa di bulan ini membaca satu 

ayat Al-Quran, ganjarannya sama seperti mengkhatam Al-Quran pada bulan-bulan yang lain.

Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya pintu-pintu syurga dibukakan bagimu, maka mintalah kepada 

Tuhanmu agar tidak pernah menutupkannya bagimu. Pintu-pintu neraka tertutup, maka 

mohonlah kepada Rabbmu untuk tidak akan pernah dibukakan bagimu. Syaitan-syaitan 

terbelenggu, maka mintalah agar ia tidak lagi pernah menguasaimu."

Aku (Ali bin Abi Thalib karamaLlahu wajhah - yang meriwayatkan hadith ini) berdiri dan 


"Ya Rasulullah, apa amal yang paling utama di bulan ini?"

Jawab Nabi, "Ya Abal Hasan, amal yang paling utama di bulan ini adalah menjaga diri dari 

apa yang diharamkan Allah."

Jadi,marilah bdoa bmohon kpd Allah agar ditemukan dgn beberapa kali Ramadhan lag dan 

bdoa "Ya Allah,jika ditakdirkan aku mati,matikanlah aku dlm bulan Ramadhan" spt beberapa 

orang sahabat saya yg telah mendahului saya meninggal di bulan yg penuh berkah ni


Salam Syawal

Sgat2 berharap yg ni bukan Ramadhan terakhirku

(Hak Cipta Terpelihara)

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When someone asks the “what is” question about almost anything theses days, the first place they turn to is often the internet. Because of the wide amount and varied accuracy of information on the web, searches that result in many different types of results often give a better overall picture of what information is available.
If you search for information on simple living, I have found it helpful to broaden my search beyond just “simple living”. I also look for “voluntary simplicity” among other permutations like, “simplifying life” “downsizing your life” and also include areas like personal finance, organic food, mental health. Unfortunately, even though broadening the search beyond the obvious will result in many interesting, alternative sites to look at, I think you will also find the need to sift through a higher than normal number of unrelated results. It is amazing how many people write articles on “simple living” that are only talking about, (as just one example), simplifying the arrangement of high end furniture in a high end home. Simple living has become a very commonly used term, often completely unrelated to the true and original meaning. Someone even told me that there is a TV show called “The Simple Life”. I have never seen it, but I bet it has no relationship to any definition of simple living, common sense or otherwise.
Simple living is a big topic on the Internet these days. A Google search for â€Å“Simple Living” turns up over 900,000 results! This Wikipedia entry is a pretty good description of what simple living is. My life is certainly not simple, but I am trying to make some progress towards that end! My interest in simple living is more low key than much of what is described in Wikipedia, but I think it is more in touch with my, and maybe your, busy everyday life.
For a future post, I will pull together and link a few web sites I have found that talk about simple living in way specific to one individual’s life, or area of interest. I think it would be great if the idea of simple living could be expanded and applied to normal everyday lives the way “going green” is starting to be. Have you noticed that you can hardly open a local or national newspaper or magazine these days without seeing a main article about going green? It also sometimes seems like half of the advertisements in magazines refer to the topic. If I was a more cynical person, I might think the emphasis on environment was just the latest fad, but I don’t think that is the case. I really believe the tide is turning in the U.S. on environmental issues, with more focus on what everyday people and businesses can do and less focus on the extreme views on either side that really don’t apply to the majority of us.
I would like to see the ideas of sustainable food and simple living also become more applicable to everyday lives. It can be done, and done with a common sense that allows us all to make contributions without disrupting changes to the routines that make our busy lives run smoothly.
P/S:take from intenet okeh..

mr simple kan??

Because You Naughty, Naughty Hey! Mr. Simple
Because You Naughty, Naughty Suju is going!
You can’t get mad that the world doesn’t go your way, you don’t have to
Mind your own business. Don’t be too attached to trivial things, it’s not good for your body
It’s just that my personality goes good then bad, so what! There must be times when my performance goes up then down too
It’s okay, it’s also good to rest then keep going, because everything has its time
If you’re a man, go meet your friends and sweep it off with a drink (Alright!) Alright
If you’re a woman, go meet your friends, have a chat and throw it away (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s hurry and go, let’s go back when we are blocked. If it’s too troublesome you feel like dying, just for today let’s play first
Anyway when this harsh world runs like hell, I’m the only one that is worn out. Just wait, just save it, because your day will come soon
Blow Your Mind Go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind The time has come, don’t be afraid
Blow Your Mind Let’s go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind The time has come, you know you’re read
We are living in this world where annoying things aren’t just one or two, know that too
What is so hard about this? We just have to eat well, sleep well and do well too, that will do
If you’re mad, go meet your friend and release it by talking behind their backs (Alright!) Alright
If you’re distressed, sing a song, scream out loud and blow it away (Alright!) Alright, Alright
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Dance Is there any big deal about that thing called freedom? Just Get It Get It
The joy of small deviations doong doong doong koong koong koong
Do you wanna feel yourself living? Just Grab It Grab It
Talk about the dreams that my heart is running to doong doong doong koong koong koong
(Because You Naughty, Naughty)
Don’t worry now, good days will come next. Leave serious stories behind
Smile brightly for today, with your bright smile, everyone will be lightened up
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Look Mr. Simple, Simple You are you are cool just like that
Look Miss Simple, Simple You are pretty just like that (S J Call!)
Let’s go, let’s go, let’s hurry and go, let’s go back when we are blocked. If it’s too troublesome you feel like dying, just for today let’s play first
Anyway when this harsh world runs like hell, I’m the only one that is worn out. Just wait, just save it, because your day will come soon
Blow Your Mind Go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind The time has come, don’t be afraid
Blow Your Mind Let’s go Mr. Simple
Blow Your Mind Go Mr. Simple 

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u still young.ouch!!!

Ahmad memasuki kedai Coach. Terasa asing apabila dia melihat begitu ramai wanita dalam kedai itu. Dia merasakan deria lelakinya tidak dapat membantunya untuk memilih beg tangan yang cantik untuk umminya. Lalu dia terserempak dengan Nur.

Nur: Biar benor! AHMAD!!!

Hampir semua orang dalam kedai itu memandang Ahmad.

Ahmad: Oit, apa jerit-jerit ni? Malu ar.

Nur: Sori-sori. Aku cuma terkejut je nampak ko dalam kedai camni. Oh ye, lupa bagi salam. Assalamualaikum!

Ahmad: Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah. Ha, alang-alang ko ada kat sini boleh tak ko tolong ajar aku camne nak pilih beg tangan yang cantik-cantik? Ini bukan bidang aku la.

Nur: No hal. Kalau nak beli beg tangan ni, kita tengok material, size, ngan style.

Ahmad: Wow, spoken like an expert.

Nur: Of course!

Ahmad: Okay, aku rasa nak amik yang fabrik je kot. Size tak nak besar sangat. Style pulak...hmmm, yang ni susah sket. Orangnya simple-simple je. Takde la suka berhias lebih-lebih sangat.

Nur: Ko nak beli untuk girlfriend ko ke nih?

Ahmad: Pergh, soalan kiamat!

Nur: Amboi, dramatik habis!

Ahmad: Haha, gurau je. Nur, aku mana ada girlfriend. This is for my lovely mother.

Nur: Oh, untuk Mother's Day ek?

Ahmad: Mother's Day dah dekat ke? Tak tau plak. Ha, ngam-ngam la aku beli beg nih.

Nur: [Berfikir sekejap] Ko memang takde girlfriend ek?

Ahmad: Yup, tak de.

Nur: Aku tak caya la.

Ahmad: Astaghfirullah, aku tak tipu la. Buat ape aku nak girlfriend bila Allah ada sediakan alternatif yang lagi baik kat aku?

Nur: Apa alternatifnya?

Ahmad: Seorang isteri.

Nur: Hai, dah pikir nak kawen dah? Ko muda lagi lah!

Ahmad: Oh, ye ke?

Nur: Ye la. Kalu nak kawen pun tunggu la umur ko 30 ke or akhir 20-an ke. Baru la sesuai. Skang ko muda lagi.

Ahmad: Aku tak tau plak. Hmm...apa pulak umur yang sesuai untuk aku dapatkan girlfriend?

Nur: Ha, apa yang ko mengarut ni?

Ahmad: Ye la, tadi ko bagi aku umur yang sesuai untuk aku berkawen tapi takde plak ko bagi aku umur yang sesuai untuk aku berzina.

Senyap sebentar. 

Nur: Err, aku rasa beg ni sesuai untuk mak ko.

Ahmad: [Senyum]

p/s:send some comment

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segmen mencari blogger sekampung

nowadays..im like to be blogwalking.opss...blog reader...just now.i saw a few entry from blogger that like to promote their blog..awesome..i would to choose http://rossmerahjingga.blogspot.com/ as promoter.wink!!!his ops her blog quite simple but full of meaning gitu...exctly..her blog very interesting for me...

u can visit her blog at anytime..femes la blog die.if u didnt believe me.its okeh..but if u have go thought her blog.amazing.there are many follower to get her entry..wink!!!



P/S:entry nh da di psot smlm.btw..need to cancel yg smlm sbb slh format..wink...tengs CIK ROSS...

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sPoNToneuS tHurSdaAY

                          hye sweeties or hotties..wink...like to                                                                                                     talk abot my father.ops babah.heheehe..so korang  boleh la nak wat entry macam sayer nh..sebAB  x gitu femes...

me:babah.. nak itu.
babah:nak ape? 
me:nak ibadat kat bulan puaser.hehehe..babah..bagi yer..
babah:y not..
me:okeh.tengs alot...
babah:welkem...(semyum tawar)

conclusion:babah dah taw ape yang saya maukan...hehehe..excelent..

i mean babah.ples get me blackberry..pless.yang babah gune skrg tuh..wink~~mengada even taun dah dapat new phone(E71)...i realy love it.but...i need blackberry too...hehehehe..(gelak gile)ermm..babah janji kalo dapat result baik..i will get it as well..caiyonk!!!.doakan untuk sayer yer....

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the weather has got the better of me :(

dearest ozakawa:how to get rid of pimples??

after return from class..i live alone in my room...because just in class.my frens(BFF) say 

sumthing to me..so sad because ungkit citer lama gitu..btw..i also prould as have awesome 

result..what is the meaning??i mean dulu i have some of pimples besides have acne bumps 

n redness.but now its was soft n licin without any thing at my body while my faces..so 

marvelous..continue topic..kekawan y byk jerawat ask me..hey u.knper dulu laen.skrg 

laen..(maksud mereka ialah dulu byk jerawatt but now no else.hepy3....

frens:pakai ape e

me:i pakai Virgin coconut oil~!!! got from my dearest sister 

in KL..nak try erk??x pyh la..x mujarabb pon....

frens:abis tuh??

me:pakai jerk product Mentholatum..i tot.u can trust 

it..hehehe,..wink~~(gedix gitu)

frens:x pnah dgr pon..how u get it??

me:erm.sure la x dgr.baru jerk keluar mase tuh..tp skrg nh 

da jadik femes mcm i..i think u can get it at pharmacy lor...

frens:okeh.tengs for infomation.btw.ur face now looks very 

awesome n diffrent..

me:dulu teruk kew??i think thre are no much pimple okeh...

frens:dulu ade la 4 or 5 biji.but now..thre are none 

more...slmt la..

me:okeh...tengs for ur opinion frens!!!!1

frens:so ape yg boleh i pakai??cakap la..(muke budak tuhh 

jadi seriusokeh.!!!winki!!!!

me:Apply mild, hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic lotion,

 every day, after washing. Neutrogena or Cetaphil

 lotion are great choices. Weekly facial scrub, too

 (Neutrogena, again...

frens:x penah dgr pon...ape tuh.bag jerk brand ape..

me:x igt la

frens:oxytetracycline pill??

me:jgn..u nh stil young..so sweet..bhay plk..ala u 

should cuci muka dgn air suam before tidor..gitu 

erkk(da boring)

frens:oic..tp jadi kew..

me:jadik..xper la nak wt keje.r..nty tell then okeh...

frens:okeh..nty bgtaw...

me:tggu jab..actually i sapu AIKEN, AIKEN pun bagus 

jugak =).BUT lebih baik pakai 

mentholattum...hehehe..selamatt mencuba..

how to wear it??

from blg FL...NOT MINE
It works and is meant to get rid of pimples
You can see it working in one night if you use
it properly.

Go order a free pac of it and get it sent to your house and
try it. Trust me.

Way to use it:

-First you grab the tall white bottle
and scrub your face, take a while on your bumps
then wash it all off and dry your face

- Then grab the green bottle, put some
on a cloth and just wet your whole face,
let it fry

- Then finally, grab the short white bottle
and rub it on your face

Do that ^ 2-3 times a day,
afternoon (optional)

You'll see results!

And if you get the refining mask in the mail,
first wet your acne spots and then dab a little of the
cream on there and sleep in it.
Then you'll wake up and it shrinks

Hope this helps,
Good Luck!

p/s:hepy read my entry...

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this mine....i like it...collection of toys.opss

p/s:hope get someideas okeh

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terawih at my place!!!

  1.  at my place have many type of 

  2. mosque who are tmpt nk 

  3. beribadah.there are 3 

  4. type.masjid besar.masjid tok 

  5. guru n lastly surau.usualy i will 

  6. get to surau la.sbb surau akn 

  7. tunaikan solat as simple..thats y i 

  8. like to go

  9. thre..hehehe....usualy..klo bln laen.mmg blh kira 

  10. my fingers taw sbb x beberapa ramai org jemmah 

  11. but in bulan ramdhn nh..sgt menakjubkan sbb 

  12. ramai sgt...penuh SOF...antara ma'munnye ialah 

  13. saya lah...thre are many org tua taw....klo 

  14. idolaance tuh..blh kire ng jari jgk kut..x ramai 

  15. sgt..klo main mercun tuh..mmg la idolance n kiddo 

  16. y terencat kut..hehehe....kite da berpuase 13 ari..so 

  17. solat terawih pon 13 jgk la...ermm.btw..in quite 

  18. lazy kiddo...im juz go 12 times..1 times i absent 

  19. sbb mls nk p tuh pon sbb first nite solat 

  20. terwah..segan la...lagipon..saya duk kt rumah sbb 

  21. nk makan byk2 utk bekalln pause..itu utk mlm 

  22. pertama..tp utk malam seterusnya..sgt 

  23. absolute..saya sgt excited utk 

  24. menghadirinya...ALIM x???ssure 

  25. la...heheheeh..untuk knowlegde korang 

  26. sumer...terawih nh sgtt baik utk anda semua sbb 

  27. mcm excices body..blh la nk bentuk BODY 

  28. LANGUANGES tuh yer..huhuhu....mesti slim...fit la 

  29. dengan baju raya okeh.!!wink~ermm...tapi 

  30. kebanyakkn blogger tidak akan updated blog 

  31. dorang as respect solat terawih.if thre some people 

  32. like this..mg celaka la..sbb x respect 

  33. solat...especialy blogger laki..i know itu mmg 

  34. their's right wanna do it or not...but..pless rasional 

  35. la..respect ar g ckit..blogger y femes tuh pon 

  36. respect taw...so x kan la..blogger y hanya kepingan 

  37. nk up dated nh sanggup nk wat onar kt snie..trust 

  38. me that n
  39. one blogger would yp date their blog 

  40. kn33??/bagus!!!!kat in my class plak...everybody 

  41. will ask at each othher..

first:u attend x terawih semalam???
second:u p x smlm??
third:u solat x smlm??
forth:u msti p terawih kn smlm??
fifth:u x p kn??
sixth:u duk kt umh smlm kn???tgk..byk jenis 

soklan blh tnye psal terawih..in my 

observation kan...most of student love to 

..first:y not..
third:mesti la...
fofth:p la..

fifth:saya solat la.tgk...ramai y respect sbb mcm kite akan dpt bile participated in this 


before back to home while waiting for my dad...
FRENS:slm..tggu abah kew??lewat balik ari nh...
ME:wslm...ermm.tggu abah saya...lewat ckit...tggu abah kew ibu nh??
FRENS:tggu ibu...
ME:ermm.letih jerk muka ari nh??pose straight erk...
FRENS:yup...straight jgk erk??/
ME:sure la...ade kew ptut umur mcm kite nk nk miss puase..malu kt budak darjah satu jerk...
FRENS:betul2...mcm mner exaam td???
ME:okeh jerk...quite diffucult jgk la question tuh kan...ermm.btw..im stil can answer it..
FRENS:sure erk??yupp(muka confident taw)ermm.awk okeh la...cikgu taget..erm..
ME:.biaser je la...awk pon same...taw x...bulan ramadhan nh kan mujarab..baik kite byk berdoa...
FRENS:especialy mse terawih...attend terawih??
ME:OMG..y not...mesti la...but..dah miss 1 nite taw...sbb over tired...awk??
FRENS:hmm....x pernah pon...x larat la.sb mkn byk sgt mse open puase rtuh....its okeh..tuh kan sunnat..
ME:mmmg la sunnat..tp lebih baik kite wt.sbb amalan sunat akan reward dgn pahala amalan wajib taw...
FRENS:ermm..awk p terawih??
ME:yup..knper??X TRUST kew????
FRENS:hmm...ellow kidoo..saya solat sampai kaki nhh bengkak n lenmgah taw.
ME:.bukan mcm awk..x p satu mlm pon...erk...pemalas..okeh la.my dad coming soon..slm..
about an hour ago

  • at home
    lepas solat terawih..duk tgk tv wif ibu..sambil ibu iron baju abah..
    ME:aduh...lengah la ibu kaki nh...
    IBU:u think..juz u got it???iim too...
    ME:hehehhe..ibu x pe la..da tua..sakit tuh mmg sinonim okeh..
    IBU:amboi..jaga sikit mulut..ibu masih mude n slim...sakit tuh tech prob okeh..okeh.
    ME:.so mmcm mner nh?/sakit la.
    IBU:.kt mane??
    ME:kt tumit..ermm.
    IBU;alh sbb pakai selipar tuh kut..tukar la..da buruk tuh...
    ME:x baik membazir ibu..ibu jgk y warning..hmm..
    IBU:mmg la.tp kan ..bahaya..x larat ibu nk bawak ko ke clinic tiap bulan...
    ME:ermm..ibu mane ELLY tuh>??
    IBU:elly mne plk nh???
    ME:ala..ubat yg kiter dpt mse sampling kt supermarket tuh la..hehehe...
    IBU:oww...ELLYG kew?/yup..atas meja solek ibu..p la amik...hheheh..ade kew ptut u call its elly??eshh22..x reti bace kew ape nh???
    ME:okeh..tengs for the information..:)..jalan sambil senyul..watever 

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