Happy go to hell !!!!!Usually the villagers use this word when a firecracker and a sparkler was played by stranger.. anyway..
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.where is im pround to touch it.:)u see!!!i was in pyjamas while cream on my face..dumb!!! |
While strolling down a pasar malam on a wet Monday
evening recently, I came across a group of three little
boys huddling over something at a stall selling Hindi
VCD movies.include Thailand VCD. Intrigued, I moved in for a closer look at
what the tykes were awing at; suffice to say I instantly
fell into a nostalgic trance by what I saw:GHOST??of
course not..
Bunga api!! I have not played with bunga api (sparklers) ever since I left year six in SK sultan
Bunga api!! I have not played with bunga api (sparklers) ever since I left year six in SK sultan
ibrahim(4), so this was as good a time as any to check these thingsout. I didn't question why a VCD stall would
be offering sparklers of various sizes and colors; after all if you could purchase illegal VCDs from roti men, I
didn't see why you couldn't get fireworks from a VCD vendor. So who's complaining, the fireworks were there for
all to see and buy.wink~~satu dozen ke nak beli???ideally not..but just afew of boxes(keaddan gedix-mencebik
bibir sexyku)
I approached the boys and peered amusingly into the box of fireworks. I picked up one of the long yellow
sparklers and loudly asked the stall owner if it was a mercun (firecracker). One cheeky boy in blue jumped on
the chance to answer my inquiry:
first conversatin i think:
Tu bukan mercun kak, bunga api lah! (That's noope a firecracker, that's a sparkler!)My, my, only 8 years old n
already eager to show off his knowledge to strangers! I smiled and said, "Oh ye ke Dik, sorry lah
Abang(Ozakawa) lama tak main bunga api ni." ("Is that so? I haven't played with fireworks for a long time.")
The boys giggled at what may have appeared to be my ignorance, but really, I was just trying to strike a
conversation. They continued to debate seriously amongst themselves about which sparklers they would get for
Hari Raya in the same fashion that a group ofmakciks (elderly women) would to discuss what dishes they'd cook
for the upcoming festivity of the end of Ramadan. The Indian lady who ran the stall gave the kids an approving
glance in anticipation of good business, and then looked at me as we both chuckled at the kids' cute antics.
Before I left the gerai VCD, I asked the kids if they'd pose for a photo.
Before I left the gerai VCD, I asked the kids if they'd pose for a photo.
of you?)
The boy who corrected my sparkler blunder appeared to be the leader
of trio, so he pompously answered "Boleh,
boleh abg! Jom!" ("Sure! Let's!"). He then quickly grabbed his two
buddies by the necks to pull them closer for a
group picture.
"Ok, satu dua tiga, senyum!" ("One, two, three, smile!") I cooed;
toothy grins and a peace sign appeared, and
my shutters and flash went off to capture the moment.
_________________________HAFRAWIEY IS SWEETIES_____
_________________________HAFRAWIEY IS SWEETIES_____
Later down the road, I met a man who was selling
sparklers for kids and brooches for ladies. I was
hoping he would be selling something that I was
looking for in particular, a Hari Raya decorative item
(which I will write about in my next article), but he
unfortunately didn't carry them.The meRCHMAN man
that he is proposed thatI buy some bunga api instead.
Of course, how could I refuse. I bought six ringgit
worth of bunga api and three boxes of something
called Pop Pop for RM2 (it was 80 sen per box - you get
a discount if you buy three). like
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she will....kat backward umh granny.:) |
p/s:like this..please coment...like this..please smile.
p/s:Although limited on availability, bunga api cum
sparklers are there; they'll forever be a part of my childhood
Hari Raya memories
p/s:ermm..need some follower...
nak bunge api sekotak!!hehe..selamat hari raya..=]
yeah..selamat ary raye jgk...
ok..follow sudah..rajin2 lawan blog saye ye..tq..hehee
k.nana:tengs alot...u are the most pretty girl..(puji ikhlas yer).suke akk:)
k.lynda:wahh..tengs jugak...maaf la.mengada ckit.
k.nana:mmg best giler main bunga api taw...nxt tyme.blh la...
haha bru la leh rasa raya klu men pop pop ni.. xD
my dearest nana:yeahh..tengs alot for ur help n servide..XD
saiazuan:Wah...mmg best..tp jgn main mercun taw.nty xder tangan taw...:P
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